1·The woodland use right for timber stands, economic forests and firewood forests;
2·For mature timber stands, the approaches of selection cutting, clear cutting and shelterwood cutting.
3·A few miles away, in land managed by Weyerhaeuser, a timber producer, thick stands of trees laboriously planted by hand immediately after the eruption rise 70 feet tall.
4·Then everything changes, more like shacks than farmhouses and stands of timber instead of orchards.
5·In contrast to the warmth of the oak, stands the exposed concrete wall to the back of the living room showing the imprint of the timber cast boards functioning as the feature art wall of the room.
6·After processing the different layers of data, such as forest stands, streams, and roads, the forester would need to calculate the timber value.
7·The results showed: (1) The stands with different remaining years presented outstanding difference in the numbers and breast-height diameter of new culms and the output of bamboo timber.